Higher Diploma Program in National Security
In recent years, the global landscape has undergone unprecedented strategic shifts, where contemporary societal issues intersect with political, security, military, social, economic, and technological dimensions. Globalization and technological advancements have accelerated the impact of international phenomena and the dissemination of national security concerns and the mechanisms protecting and preserving national interests. This has been reflected in strategic issues, particularly in critical areas such as armament and disarmament, asymmetric armed conflicts, cyber warfare, and unarmed conflicts like economic conflicts, infrastructure protection, terrorism, and others. Addressing these multifaceted challenges and risks has become increasingly complex, requiring more than just political or military interventions. Instead, it demands the concerted efforts of the state, leveraging its comprehensive national strength, including economic, diplomatic, and military aspects, to effectively confront these challenges using integrated strategic approaches and mechanisms. As a result, contemporary states are compelled to equip their national institutions with personnel well-versed in national security studies, capable of employing modern techniques and tools, conducting risk assessments, and safeguarding national security in its comprehensive concept. Thus, the establishment of this program aligns with the University's vision and its commitment to fostering specialized expertise in the field of national security studies.
1 Special Admission Requirements:
Holding a bachelor's degree in any of the following disciplines: security sciences, military sciences, strategic sciences, political sciences, international relations, law, computer sciences and related fields, or any other fields considered pertinent to national security by the admissions committee.
- Successful completion of a personal interview.
Graduation Requirements
Successfully completing the required program hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 out of 5.00 within the specified timeframe necessary to fulfill the requirements for obtaining the academic degree.
Program Classification
Work is underway to classify the program according to the Saudi Standard Classification of Occupations.